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Signs Your Poo Can Give You Which May Save Your Life

Dave Joyce, CWU's National Health, Safety & Environment Officer has issued a letter to all CWU branches regarding the issue of Bowel Cancer and provides information leaflets on what we often find embarassing to talk about - our poo!

Pic: Dave JoyceIn LTB485/16, Dave discusses the symptoms and actions need to be taken in the event you may have some concerns because you are experiencing bowel cancer like symptoms and what you should do next: I.E. See your neighbourhood friendly GP!

The text of LTB485/16 follows:

Looking into the toilet bowl after you’ve been is not the most pleasant of experiences, but knowledge of your poo habits might just save your life.

Bowel cancer is currently the UK's second deadliest cancer, with someone dying of the disease every half an hour. But if it’s caught early it is treatable.

Charity "Beating Bowel Cancer" state that it’s known that nine out of 10 cases of bowel cancer can be treated successfully if diagnosed early.

Paramount to this early diagnosis is that people are aware of what’s going on with their poo, and that any persistent changes in the normal routine and any signs of blood are checked out immediately.

Well know TV Actor Ben Richards has revealed this week how he dismissed his bowel cancer symptoms as a reaction to spicy food he ate while on holiday in India. He said he was a typical bloke, he self-diagnosed and was convinced it was due to the spicy food he’d been eating in India. Besides that he was pretty healthy and in good shape and he looked after himself.

However his partner finally convinced him to see his doctor and the actor was diagnosed with bowel cancer after his doctors then discovered a 6cm long tumor in his bowel. He underwent radiotherapy as well as taking chemotherapy tablets. Ben has now been clear of cancer for four years.

Bowel cancer warning signs:

Here’s exactly what you need to know about poo and bowel cancer:

Pic: Bowel cancer bokklet and posterWarning sign 1: Stools with blood Very often, blood in stools is from piles (haemorrhoids), especially if it is bright red, fresh blood – this is because piles are basically swollen veins in the back passage which can easily get damaged when you poo, causing a small amount of bleeding. But if the blood seems darker, it could be a sign of cancer higher up in the bowel, which has time to go darker as itmoves through the bowel. Your stool will be very dark, almost like tar. It could also be bleeding from an ulcer, but either way, you need to see the doctor and get it checked.

Warning sign 2: Looser stools

Everyone can have the odd bout of diarrhoea, from dodgy food, stress or (for women) that time of the month. But if you notice a change to your normal bowel habits that last longer than four to six weeks (though some experts say three), it needs to be checked. This is particularly the case if your stools are looser.
Warning sign 3: More frequent stools

Similar to above, if you notice you’re needing to go a lot more often (and haven’t really changed your diet), it could be an early sign that something’s up.
Warning sign 4: Straining to poo

Constipation, like diarrhoea, is something everyone might have occasionally, but like diarrhoea, if it’s ongoing, you need to be aware. Sometimes the cancer tumor can block the bowel, leading to symptoms of intense pains in the abdomen, bloating, being sick, and being constipated.

Warning sign 5: Straining to poo but not actually ‘going’
Sometimes, feeling like you need to go, even though you don’t, can be an early symptom of bowel cancer.
5 other symptoms of bowel cancer
Remember not all these symptoms always mean cancer; and not all people will suffer the same symptoms. If you’re worried, see your doctor immediately.

  • Losing weight -  without dieting, maybe due to having a reduced appetite, or feeling bloated or sick
  • Pain in your abdomen or back passage - constant or intermittent pain that may be linked to going to the toilet or might come and go
  • Unexplained tiredness
  • Breathlessness
  • Dizziness

For more information on symptoms or anything else about bowel cancer you’re worried about; you can download this superbly detailed and easy to understand booklet from Beating Bowel Cancer entitled, 'Bowel Cancer Detect And Diagnose Booklet' from the E-Library Database of this website. Simply use search keyword 'bowel' to retrieve the booklet.

A Bowel Cancer Symptoms Poster can also be downloaded from the E-Library Database.

Contact details for Beating Bowel Cancer charity:

Beating Bowel Cancer
Harlequin House
7 High Street
TW11 8EE

Main Telephone number:- 020 8973 0000

Contact the 'Beating Bowel Cancer' Nurses for Expert Advice:- 020 8973 0011


Source: CWU / Beating Bowel Cancer charity

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